Learn how to perform similarity search over images, generating image embeddings and using TileDB-Vector-Search to add them to vector indexes and query them.
How to run this tutorial
We recommend running this tutorial, as well as the other various tutorials in the Tutorials section, inside TileDB Cloud. This will allow you to quickly experiment avoiding all the installation, deployment, and configuration hassles. Sign up for the free tier, spin up a TileDB Cloud notebook with a Python kernel, and follow the tutorial instructions. If you wish to learn how to run tutorials locally on your machine, read the Tutorials: Running Locally tutorial.
This tutorial is an image search demo, using TileDB-Vector-Search and a dataset of flowers.
If you are running this tutorial on a local machine, you may have to perform the following installations:
conda install -y-c tiledb -c conda-forge -c anaconda tiledb-vector-search scikit-learn tensorflow-datasets matplotlib efficientnet# NOTE: `efficientnet` conda package is available on linux only, so# you can install it from pip on all non-Linux machines# Or, using pip#pip install tiledb tiledb-vector-search-scikit-learn tensorflow-datasets efficientnet matplotlibpip install
Import the necessary packages, set the URIs you will use throughout this tutorial, and delete any past data:
import osimport shutilimport numpy as npimport warningswarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")import PILimport tiledbimport tiledb.vector_search as vsimport tensorflow as tfimport tensorflow_datasets as tfdsimport randomfrom tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet_v2 import preprocess_inputfrom tensorflow_datasets.core import dataset_utilsfrom efficientnet.preprocessing import center_crop_and_resize# URIs you will use in this tutorialdataset ="tf_flowers"image_array_uri ="tf_flowers_array"index_uri ="tf_flowers_index"features_uri ="features.f32bin"# Clean up past dataif os.path.exists(image_array_uri): shutil.rmtree(image_array_uri)if os.path.exists(index_uri): shutil.rmtree(index_uri)if os.path.exists(features_uri): os.remove(features_uri)
Store raw images
In addition to the vector embeddings you will store using TileDB-Vector-Search, you can use the TileDB array engine to store all the raw images in a 3D TileDB array. This is yet another cool feature of TileDB, which allows you to unify all your data (both “unstructured” and “structured”) under a common data model (i.e., arrays) and database engine.
Create the 3D image array as follows:
# Will be used to define the array domaincrop_image_size =224# Define the image array schema, which is a 3D array that will store all imagesimage_array_schema = tiledb.ArraySchema( domain=tiledb.Domain( [ tiledb.Dim( name="image_id", dtype="uint64", domain=(0, np.iinfo(np.uint64).max-10000), tile=10, ), tiledb.Dim( name="d1", dtype="uint64", domain=(0, crop_image_size -1), tile=crop_image_size, ), tiledb.Dim( name="d2", dtype="uint64", domain=(0, crop_image_size -1), tile=crop_image_size, ), tiledb.Dim(name="d3", dtype="uint64", domain=(0, 2), tile=2), ] ), attrs=[ tiledb.Attr(name="value", dtype=np.uint8), ], sparse=False,)# Physically create the arraytiledb.Array.create(image_array_uri, image_array_schema)
Next, load the images from their source location.
# Load the image dataset.# NOTE: This could take several minutes depending on your machine configuration.ds, ds_info = tfds.load(dataset, split="train", with_info=True)
Create a utility function that loads and preprocesses the images and saves them in a TileDB array:
def save_images(ds_info, ds, num_samples, image_key, crop_image_size=-1): samples =list(dataset_utils.as_numpy(ds.take(num_samples))) images_data = np.array([])for i, sample inenumerate(samples):ifnotisinstance(sample, dict):raiseValueError("tfds.show_examples requires examples as `dict`, with the same ""structure as `ds_info.features`. It is currently not compatible ""with `as_supervised=True`. Received: {}".format(type(sample)) )# Preprocess the image image = sample[image_key]iflen(image.shape) !=3:raiseValueError("Image dimension should be 3. tfds.show_examples does not support ""batched examples or video." ) _, _, c = image.shapeif c ==1: image = image.reshape(image.shape[:2])if crop_image_size !=-1: image = center_crop_and_resize(image, crop_image_size).astype(np.uint8)if images_data.any(): images_data = np.concatenate((images_data, image[None, :]), axis=0)else: images_data = image[None, :]with tiledb.open(image_array_uri, mode="w") as A: A[0:image_samples] = {"value": images_data}
Next, generate embeddings for all images and store them in a binary file:
with tiledb.open(image_array_uri, mode="r") as A: data = A[0:image_samples]["value"] embeddings = calculate_resnet(data)withopen("features.f32bin", "wb") as f: np.array(embeddings.shape, dtype="uint32").tofile(f) np.array(embeddings).astype("float32").tofile(f)
Perform image similarity search using the selected image:
# Retrieve the 5 most similar images to the randomly selected one.result_d, result_i = index_flat.query(query_embeding, k=5)with tiledb.open(image_array_uri, mode="r") as A:for result in result_i[0]: display(PIL.Image.fromarray(A[result]["value"]))